When the Ailsa Craig Town Hall was no longer needed for the Clerks Offices and Council Chamber it became a community centre where smaller groups could meet on a weekly or monthly basis.
- Coffee Drop In 9am-11am . Coffee, muffins, TV, Old books, comfy chairs and people to meet.
- VON Blood Pressure Clinic - no fee or appointment necessary. Second and fourth Monday of the month. 9am-11am
- CraigActive for active Retirees meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from September to May. This fun group meets at 11:30 am for social time. Soup and sandwiches are served at noon. On the second Tuesday of the month we show a movie, and on the fourth Tuesday we usually have a guest speaker. Programs have included travel talks, local authors, astronomy, ecology and nature talks, healthy living.
- Ailsa Craig & District Lions Meeting second and fourth Tuesday of the month 7pm
- Aerobics with Julie 6pm
- Choir with Lesley Andrew 10am-12pm
- Aerobics with Julie 6pm
- VON SMART Exercise and Falls Prevention - Every Friday 9:30am-10:30am